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3 people found this helpful. However, upon closer look, it appears to be a technologically modified living creature. I want to watch movies for an escape from reality. Behind the Scenes. 10 Cloverfield Lane ist ein Science Fiction-Film aus dem Jahr 2016 von Dan Trachtenberg mit Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Goodman und John Gallagher Jr.. … It made me jump once but in a way that was predictably done and not suspenseful done. it is also able to spread a lethal poisonous gas from it's body. General Information. Cloverfield universe. "I bet what we just heard were air-borne patrols sent to hunt down the remaining signs of life... Like us." Unknown. The mouth is circular with rows of sharp teeth. Among the many hidden messages is the LOST Dharma Initiative logo—a nod to J.J. Abrams' hit show. While on a drive in the country, Emmett describes seeing a bright red flash in the sky. Hostile. The aliens also have a secondary mouth that extends from inside their primary mouths. While 10 Cloverfield Lane really didn't do any of those things for me.
Running. Durch Anrufe Bens auf ihrem Handy wird sie abgelenkt. However, this exchange happens before the characters are aware that an alien invasion is underway. It has a huge Lamprey-like mouth, and couple of tentacles. The Alien Spaceship is a bio-mechanical alien spacecraft, belonging to an unknown alien race, that appears on 10 Cloverfield Lane. After the encounter Michelle leaves on Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Spacecraft appears to be a giant lovecraftian spaceship. They are in some way biologically related to the How the Aliens arrived on earth isn't exactly clear. Each scale is the shape of a hexagon.

Während der Fahrt hört sie im Radio von großräumigen Stromausfällen. Sapience level. Michelle, die sich von ihrem Freund Ben getrennt hat, verlässt ihre Wohnung in New Orleans und fährt mit dem Auto durch das ländliche Louisiana. Ground Alien (10 Cloverfield Lane) Edit. Cloverfield has garnered a cult following since its 2008 release, and spawned two sequels—— 10 Cloverfield Lane in 2016 and The Cloverfield Paradox in 2018. Behavior . The mouth is circular with rows of sharp teeth. Their nickname comes from one of Howard's conspiracy theories about \"mutant space worms,\" which Emmett relates to Michelle. The Aliens are Quadrupedal lifeforms with metallic scales. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It also was more of a horror scary and I am just tired of that. Read more. Helpful. This unidentified Alien was a strange creature that appears to run on four legs and has a giant one eye that is also a mouth. Howard describes these red flashes as the first phase of the invasion. —Howard to Michelle and Emmett.
Classic editor History Talk (0) Share. However, Michelle notices that the ship gas is flammable and with enough time, she crafts a Molotov cocktail and, just as the ship was going to consume her, she throws the cocktail at the Ship's mouth, which cause a chain reaction that destroys it. They are in some way biologically related to the Clover (ship). 10 Cloverfield Lane ein Film von Dan Trachtenberg mit Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Goodman. We have enough of that in our day to day lives and on the news. Inhaltsangabe: Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) verlässt … Locomotion. Universe. Alien. The arrival was partly hinted when Howard received an audio file containing a hidden image of a mysterious black object orbiting above the Earth. Als ihr ein Fahrzeug begegnet, verliert sie die Kontrolle über ihren Wagen und überschlägt sich auf einem Feld.

The aliens are not referred to by any particular name in the film. The aliens also have a secondary mouth that extends from inside their primary mouths. Homeworld. The ship has its only appearance near the end of the film. The Aliens are Quadrupedal lifeforms with metallic scales. Worried about what this could mean, Emmett rushes over to Howard Stambler's bunker in Louisiana, who was just closing up before the initial attack on Earth. Then using its tentacles, the ship captures the truck. Each scale is the shape of a hexagon. The franchise's success can be largely credited to its cleverly hidden Easter eggs.