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Well, with an appropriate interpretation you can probably see pretty much any situation on earth as a metaphor for life, because this situation Christian, I thought your comment under the original question has a lot in common with my answer here. The ending starts out with Gomez in the starting area with the whole place becoming more and more pixelated. Whether or not you got any heart cubes or artifacts does not affect whether or not you get this ending. The script was initially written in 1966, but didn't receive funding until 1968. The films are alluded to be set The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Discuss the workings and policies of this site By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. Didn't one of the prisoners explain that he worked on this government project?Worth revealed that he's designed the outer shell, but I guess he hasn't said anything like he's worked on Govt project.Let aside any sequels (which for me were a bit of a disappointment after the amazing first movie, especially the third), I think most of the fascination, mystery and hopelessness of their situation was due to the fact, that the cube @VijinPaulraj i think you got three good answer to select one of them@ChristianRau, for me the deep horror was the suggestion not only that the cube had no purpose, but that no one was responsible for it.

While the first paragraph of your answer provies some interresting insights, the following paragraphs are a bit questionable at least (well ok, in the end that is a possible theory, too).What, is it your job to just go around being antagonistic?Well, I could ask if it was your job to go around and litter your otherwise good posts with Look to me like @ChristianRau really was trying to be helpful.

The ending starts out with Gomez in the starting area with the whole place becoming more and more pixelated. The Cube was an avant-garde drama written for television by Jerry Juhl and Jim Henson. As we see in Cube Zero, when someone in the cube makes it out, they are then questioned about a few things.

No matter what your religion, or whether you are atheist or agnostic, conclusions about moving (or not moving) on to the next life can be drawn.The film-makers perhaps then decided to move the film in another direction in order to pump out a couple of sequels/prequels, but I won't watch them because I think the film itself is a masterpiece (not the acting necessarily).Or... perhaps someone just got stoned while playing with a Rubik's Cube and had an idea for a movie about a maze in the shape of a cube.To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Afterwards, you get the First Person Shades, which lets you get the remaining cubes that you couldn't get earlier. For example, Die Hard is not a metaphor for life, it's a cops-and-robbers story (and a darn good one). So I start to see where you're getting at and especially your new edits to the last paragraphs are really insightful. After that, the camera zooms out to Gomez playing his drums and then the credits roll. It's actually a lot easier to just watch Cube and then Cube Zero. You get this ending by have 32-63 cubes in total. Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including Also, the reason you need 32 cubes to get this ending is because there is a cube door that requires 32 cubes to be opened that lets you access the final area of the game.

construction and operation has either been ordered or directly carried in the future, however, one of the characters of Cube 2 mentions site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under You say " the cube had no actual purpose"... and I say "exactly!" As we see in Cube Zero, when someone in the cube makes it out, they are then questioned about a few things. It was later filmed at CFTO Television studio in Toronto, Canada from February 10th-15th, 1969, and premiered on NBC a mere eight days later on February 23, 1969. There seems to be a slight change in ending text if Cube continuously rescues her from failing adventures and defeats assassins for her." Essentially, the Cube is owned by a rather powerful organization that uses it for "prisoners", or people that they want to get rid of.

I haven't watched them.Putting prequels and sequels aside, keep in mind that Cube is a metaphor for life, for the human condition:In the beginning, each character wakes up in a strange, uncomfortable place.Each quickly realizes that making a bad move will result in deathThose who live longest never get any real insight into who/what put them there, or whyAn additional point is that the sole escapee is the mentally disabled man, who just accepted what was going on, and never asked "why" or "who" or "how" -- suggesting the movie's message might be "you're better off embracing the mystery than trying to solve it. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Essentially, the Cube is owned by a rather powerful organization that uses it for "prisoners", or people that they want to get rid of. But indeed life also has no purpose and is only there for the sake of its own.