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Tommy suggests that he and Kathy continue the search in Norfolk, and they visit several secondhand stores together. When Madame reaches her front door, Kathy calls to her from the gate. When a few of the people in the office look over, the students quickly move away. Just as Ruth, Chrissie, and Rodney did in Norfolk, Tommy and Kathy seek the possibility of more time as well as the possibility of learning about who they are. Tommy’s room is also a place of hopefulness, as it is here that they quietly make plans to apply for a deferral.

Tommy has just given his third donation and is recovering at the Kingsfield center, where he and Kathy spend relaxing afternoons reading and talking. Madame wants to know what he thinks, but looks at Kathy and asks, oddly, if she is “going too far.” Tommy begins to explain his theory, and Madame realizes that they believe she looks at their artwork to see their souls. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select.Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Never Let Me Go Chapter 2 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts. When viewed more closely, the same evidence crushes their hopes.

Kathy feels relieved and happy, recognizing that Tommy has moved past the tension that arose about his drawings at the Cottages. Chapter 31. In the way that Chrissie and Rodney were noticeably missing on that trip, Ruth is noticeably absent from the visit to Madame.

Chapter 25. Ruth continues to imply that Hailsham students have special access to deferrals, and gets angry when she notices Kathy listening in. Tommy recalls Miss Emily once telling another student that artwork reveals the soul. He says that he draws tiny imaginary animals, inspired by a children’s book he found at the Cottages. Actions. Inside the studio, they observe the possible talking with the gallery manager. Acting as an invisible barrier, the windows allow the students to observe Ruth’s “dream future” only from the outside. Ruth angrily leaves with the veterans, while Tommy stays back with Kathy.Tommy tells Kathy that he was looking for her lost tape in Woolworth’s, but could not remember the title of the album. The end.

Chapter 30. Madame calls them “poor creatures,” and Kathy thinks there are tears in her eyes. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select.Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. A Motif is a distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition, and Never Let Me Go is rife with them. Chapter 24. Find summaries for every chapter, including a Never Let me Go Chapter Summary Chart to help you understand the book.

At a distance, the students have just enough evidence to see what they wish to see.
This reminds Kathy of following Ruth’s possible in Norfolk. Tommy and Kathy begin their relationship in the limited period of time between donations.

But she also thinks that his drawings look more labored, almost as if he copied them.

Ruth’s decision to join them reflects her resignation to becoming a carer and then a donor. Kathy admits that she has strong sexual urges, which made her think that her model might be in those magazines.

Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Okay, there's a bit more to Kathy's life than that. They are happy together, but cannot avoid feeling that they waited until it was too late. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Never Let Me Go and what it means.

When viewed up close, the woman begins to seem much less like Ruth than they had originally thought.The students do not follow the woman when she leaves. It also emphasizes the ghostliness of Hailsham, which now exists only in memories and images. The students eventually find the open-plan office, and Rodney points out an older woman visible through its floor-to-ceiling windows. A summary of Part X (Section10) in Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go. Never Let Me Go Summary. Ruth wants to wait a few minutes and then return for another look, but then they see Ruth’s possible leaving the office. Kathy sees the animals as a sign that Tommy is still preparing to apply for a deferral. But the frustrated search for the possible only further solidifies Ruth’s division from Kathy and Tommy. As summer ends, they expect to receive notice for Tommy’s fourth donation. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Never Let Me Go and what it means. Never Let Me Go essays are academic essays for citation.

Then she becomes a donor. Home | About | Help | Legal | Blog | @trello | Trello … Tommy does not hide his drawings from Kathy, and even asks for her opinion on them. And fair warning: this book jumps back and forth and back again in time, so it can be tough to keep it all straight. When they leave the studio, the students all agree that the woman from the office is not Ruth’s model. Plot Summary. Kathy decides not to tell Ruth about finding a copy of her lost tape.Although the woman in the open-plan office initially seems to resemble Ruth, she is only a plausible “possible” when observed from afar. Chapter 34. Chapter 33. Her speech is also the first time that the word “clone” appears in the novel. However, their happiness is mitigated by a sense of lost time. At Ruth’s insistence, they follow the possible to an art gallery called The Portway Studio.