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With Private inheritance models an IS-IMPLEMENTED-USING relationship (or whatever that's called). protected: the inheritance will only be seen by derived classes and friends", "private: the inheritance will only be seen by the class itself and friends". All of the questions I've found on SO deal with specific cases.To answer that question, I'd like to describe member's accessors first in my own words. In this article, you'll learn to use public, protected and private inheritance in C++. Private inheritance, something AFAIK peculiar to C++, is an "IMPLEMENTED IN TERMS OF" relationship. If a field in superclass is public and the inheritance is private the field is only acessible inside the subclass. I think your column of three "Private" should be a column of "Inaccessible". A class derivation list names one or more base classes and has the form −When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −A derived class can access all the non-private members of its base class.
C# - Inheritance - One of the most important concepts in object-oriented programming is inheritance. Private members of Base class are not accessible in Derived class.b.

Protected members of Base class remain protected in Derived class. Used in Implemented-in-terms-of.

To define a derived class, we use a class derivation list to specify the base class(es). This should be avoided at all costs, because it can make code dependent on implementation details - but if necessary, you can make use of this technique. Private members of Base class are not accessible in Derived class. In the main function scope the variable remains hidden anyway so if you write anything like:Finally, the last program will produce the following output:It has to do with how the public members of the base class are exposed from the derived class.As litb points out, public inheritance is traditional inheritance that you'll see in most programming languages. Featured on Meta IS-A inheritance. A button is-a window, and anywhere where a window is needed, a button can be passed too. This is an important piece the others are missing out, along with thorough explanations. With If you inherit publicly from another class, everybody knows you are inheriting and you can be used polymorphically by anyone through a base class pointer.If you inherit protectedly only your children classes will be able to use you polymorphically.If you inherit privately only yourself will be able to execute parent class methods.Which basically symbolizes the knowledge the rest of the classes have about your relationship with your parent classProtected data members can be accessed by any classes that inherit from your class. Like using chair as a hammer. +1Overkill IMO, but I like the table at the beginning.Better say "public: the inheritance will be seen by everyone". We group the "inheritance concept" into two categories: Derived Class (child) - the class that inherits from another class; Base Class (parent) - the class being inherited from; To inherit from a class, use the : symbol.
class can't access them.Public inheritance models an IS-A relationship. With private inheritance, it can't. Will you please explain it using an example? This tutorial introduces you to inheritance in C#. Public members of Base class too become protected members of Derived class.So, other classes can't use public members of Base class through Derived class object; but they are available to subclass of Derived.a.

Rarely useful. Let's say we have the following:From within your extension to this class, referencing When inheriting, you can (in some languages) change the protection type of a data member in certain direction, e.g. Outside there is no indication if the subclass extends the superclass. You'll learn where and how it is used, with examples.