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Bel of mail ons. Trainingen Trainingen op uw eigen locatie, u bent voorbereid op bekend terrein! Synonyms for fast at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Download speed is most relevant for people who are consuming content on the Internet, and we want FAST.com to be a very simple and fast speed test. Soms zullen we adviseren om de inzichten zelf op te halen. Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. See more. Je kan hierbij denken aan een online tool waarin we 35.000 Nederlanders bereiken, een handige onderzoeksapp of aan video-interviewing. Synonym Discussion of fast. fast mover n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. * Your network is unstable. Acquired quickly with little effort and sometimes unscrupulously: made a fast buck scalping tickets. Welke methode het ook wordt: jij krijgt snel scherpe inzichten die je gaan helpen bij het maken van klantgerichte keuzes.We bieden diverse tooling om de inzichten snel en gemakkelijk op te halen. Om die vraag te beantwoorden is snelle klantfeedback cruciaal. Bij Fast Insights krijg je het advies en de ondersteuning die je nodig hebt.Vaak is het raadzaam om te sparren met een ervaren insights expert. Fast definition, moving or able to move, operate, function, or take effect quickly; quick; swift; rapid: a fast horse; a fast pain reliever; a fast thinker.

Fast Furious Scooters heeft voor vrijwel iedere scooterliefhebber een model op maat. What about ping, latency, upload and other things? Mine your memory on the words from July 27 to August 2! Nieuwe producten en diensten worden in kleine stapjes ontwikkeld. a person who acts as though he or she knows everything and who dismisses the opinions, comments, or suggestions of others.a person who spends possessions or money extravagantly or wastefully; spendthrift.a well-intentioned but naive and often ineffectual social or political reformer.First recorded before 900; Middle English; Old English First recorded in 1670–80; alteration, by association with Dictionary.com Unabridged (of a film) requiring a relatively short exposure time to attain a given density.Events followed fast upon one another to the crisis.He tried to pull a fast one on us by switching the cards.to eat only sparingly or of certain kinds of food, especially as a religious observance.to cause to abstain entirely from or limit food; put on a fast: an abstinence from food, or a limiting of one's food, especially when voluntary and as a religious observance; fasting.acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; swift(of a clock, etc) indicating a time in advance of the correct time(of a playing surface, running track, etc) conducive to rapid speed, as of a ball used on it or of competitors playing or racing on itrequiring a relatively short time of exposure to produce a given density(of a bowler) characteristically delivering the ball rapidlya deceptive or unscrupulous trick (esp in the phrase a person who achieves results quickly, esp in seductions(said by the field captain to archers) stop shooting!to abstain from eating all or certain foods or meals, esp as a religious observanceActing, moving, or being capable of acting or moving quickly.Exhibiting resistance to change. The service sector unions — the health care workers, teachers, and public service employees — are larger and growing the Many people already schedule to-dos and the startup wants to offer the Along the way, he rode bikes hard or climbed mountains But, she said, “I hope that it becomes a moment of “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every TimeAll Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative?Absentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference?What Do The Latin Phrases And Symbols On The Dollar Bill Mean?“Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean?This windfall of words will make you rich with knowledge. We sparren graag met je over de mogelijkheden. made quickly or easily and sometimes deviously: He earned some fast change helping the woman with her luggage.a fast operator when it comes to closing a business deal. Of het nu gaat om het in kaart brengen van de wensen en behoeften van de doelgroep, het toetsen van hypothesen, het valideren van concepten of proposities, het testen van een verpakking, het meten van gebruikerservaringen, of welke andere onderzoeksvraag dan ook.

See: (as) fast as greased lightning (as) fast as lightning a fast one a fast talker a fast worker as fast as (one's) legs can carry (one) as fast as your legs can carry you at a clip at a fast clip at a fast, good, steady, etc. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.moving or able to move, operate, function, or take effect quickly; done in comparatively little time; taking a comparatively short time: indicating a time in advance of the correct time, as of a clock.adapted to, allowing, productive of, or imparting rapid movement: characterized by unrestrained conduct or lack of moral conventions, especially in sexual relations; wanton; loose: Some young people in that era were considered fast, if not downright promiscuous.firmly fixed in place; not easily moved; securely attached.held or caught firmly, so as to be unable to escape or be extricated: closed and made secure, as a door, gate, or shutter. FAST.com provides two different latency measurements for your Internet connection: “unloaded” and “loaded” with traffic. FAST, als het om bedrijfsveiligheid gaat! Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary