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Do you need one, both, or neither?

Attention: Posts related to COVID-19 are now temporarily permitted for chains. Build strong relationships with customers. Here’s an overview of the basics and expert advice on how to boost rankings. Start a conversation by responding to Reviews, creating Posts, and answering Questions.

If you do not take proper SEO precautions it can result to be highly unsatisfactory, but when done right, the process should be mostly painless. Show up when customers search for businesses on Google Search and Maps. Google My Business Categories. Once you do this a Google representative should call you back and help you with your issue.Calling through this form is actually incredibly easy. If you’re having issues claiming or creating your new local listing, you can visit You will most likely want to click on the first option at the bottom of the page that says “I tried PIN verification for a single listing.” You’ll then be taken to another page where you can call Google or fill out a form. If you already have a Google Account, simply sign in after clicking 'Continue' (same as your Gmail or YouTube account).

Using Bing Places for Business, local business owners can verify their existing listing on Bing, edit or update the listing information, add photos, videos, services and other information that shows their business in the best possible way. Bing Places for Business is a Bing portal that enables local business owners add a listing for their business on Bing.

If you just have a Google+ Business Page and not a Places page, sign up for a Places listing and you should see your Google+ Business Page ready to be managed in that new dashboard.
If you have trouble finding something that describes your business based on the guidelines above, try a less-specific category. You have to sign up for Google Places here, fill in your information, and then verify your account – you have to verify either by phone or by mail, which Google will walk you through, and then you’re set to go and start taking control of your brand.For more information about setting up Google Places, as well as the benefits, check out my article on Google+ Local for Businesses is all about the social aspect of search. If person B types in that exact same query but does not have you in his/her Google+ circles, you might pop up at the very bottom of the SERP instead.It’s very important for businesses to get involved in First, it helps to put you in control of your brand.

In addition, Google My Business is currently operating on limited functionality.

Since this is a very long list, you may want to use the search tool in your browser. You will only see this tab if you have a Google Places dashboard and have verified your Google+ Business page account.You can verify a Google+ local page and your existing Google Places listing for your business will be merged with that Google+ local page. If you are looking out for another way to list your local business, then Bing Places for Business is another one just like Google My Business Page. Rentround’s Raj Dosanjh highlights the importance of backlinks and mistakes to avoid when reaching out to get them for your website.In recent years, Google has made several changes to their link attributes.

It is easy to register to Bing Places for Business and you should do it today to reach more prospects and potential customers. As you can see in the left column, there is a place where you can click “Google+.” This means that this particular account has merged the two pages and can now manage both from one location:You can verify your Google+ local page by clicking Manage this page > verify your business > adding in contact information > request postcard >wait for your postcard and receive a PIN number to verify online. Use features like Posts, review responses, menu updates, photos, and much more. At last count, some Before diving into the differences between these three terms, it helps to know what’s the same.