Ömer chases a new angle with his team, but the real killer's identity remains unclear.Nilüfer yields to Metin's influence.
One Piece is the story of Monkey D. Luffy who became a rubber man after accidently eating a Devil Fruit. Elif is in for a shock when she opens her safe.Metin blackmails Elif again. İpek and Ömer revisit the crime scene and pick up a witness.Hüseyin races against the clock to cover his tracks. Das Finale der Sat.1-Show „The Mole - Wem kannst du trauen?“ ist vorbei. Fatih has to decide between love and his freedom.Ömer fights to keep Elif safe and traces the prosecutor's paper trail.
Hüseyin turns Ömer's investigation into a wild goose chase.Arda traces phone records and revisits an old lead.
Metin and Nilüfer come to a point of no return.When her mind games with Elif come to naught, Bahar finds a new solution.
Melike confesses her crime to Ömer.A surprise visitor at Mert's ceremony catches Tayyar off guard. Watch trailers & learn more.
As Elif helps Ömer recover, she makes a decision that may affect their relationship.Ömer is determined to continue the investigation, but someone is out to stop him for good.
Recovered footage sheds new light on the murder.Tayyar goes after Pınar, who lands herself in a risky situation. İpek reveals something that causes a misunderstanding between Elif and Ömer.Hüseyin prepares to turn his back on his old life. Stuck in a dilemma, İpek seeks Nedret's help.Elif declares war on Tayyar and asks for Mert's help. Someone tracks Nilüfer's every move.Melike gives Ömer clues to the missing piece in Bahar's case. Möchten Sie regelmäßig Nachrichten von uns in Ihrem Posteingang erhalten? Nilüfer becomes an obstacle between Metin and Mert, who reveals a darker side.Only one person can give Tayyar a chance for survival. Buckle up.
After seeing the test results, Pınar faces an ultimatum, but someone offers to help in exchange for information.Pınar helps Ömer piece together the clues, but withholds key information. Ömer finds a lead that convinces Elif to accept his help.Elif and Ömer hit a dead end in their scavenger hunt, and Elif is left with the grim consequences of her father's decisions.Ömer seeks help tracking down Nilüfer. Sevim receives a surprise visitor.The past comes back to haunt Aslı. The odds are on Elif and Ömer's side this time.Aslı helps İpek chase a new angle on Tayyar, who realizes Nilüfer is the only one who can stop Fatih.İpek lifts the veil from Nedret. Wer wann rausgewählt wurde:Mehr Informationen zu den Kandidaten findet ihr hier: Fans der Show fragen sich zum Finale natürlich, ob es eine Sobald es eine Ankündigung zu Staffel 2 gibt, findet ihr die Info hier.Lebendig begraben werden, Fußballspielen oder Lamas mit dem Lasso fangen - auf die Kandidaten von „The Mole“ warteten verschiedene große Herausforderungen.Falls ihr die Sendungen verpasst habt, könnt ihr die Während die Show am Mittwochabend mit dem Finale zu Ende ging, gab es zwischenzeitlich schlechte Nachrichten von der bereits ausgeschiedenen Paula. Aslı follows Nedret to a meeting place, where Nedret makes a secret arrangement.Fatih asks Aslı for help, and Ömer is determined to make him talk. Aslı takes matters into her own hands at the company.Metin makes new demands of Elif.
Nilüfer misleads the investigators. With his back against the wall, Hüseyin gives Tayyar carte blanche to act.Ömer identifies the man behind Arda's assault and makes a personal decision.
Die Kandidaten mussten Folge für Folge Fragen beantworten und herausfinden, wer der Verräter ist.
Hüseyin tries to make a deal with Nedret, who does not take the bait.Çiğdem brings news that changes everything for Arda and Pelin.
Fatih causes Elif to question İpek and Ömer's motives.Hüseyin makes a grave mistake at the hospital and leaves himself exposed. Elif and Ömer's romance takes a turn.Levent's patience with Bahar runs out after a confrontation with Ömer.
Das ist tatsächlich schnell erklärt: „The Mole“ ist Englisch und bedeutet When Mert complicates his father's scheme, Metin finds a way to distract him.Sıtkı's demands turn the tables on Elif, who goes to Tayyar for help.
Ömer's team finds traces of evidence in a car, but the real killer is not who everyone thinks.Hüseyin hides a double life from his family. Tayyar finds an excuse to examine Ömer and Elif's relationship more closely.Tayyar tries to extract information from Pınar. While tracking down Yağız, Ömer makes a dangerous enemy.Yağız's return comes at a great cost for Ömer, who plays mind games with Hüseyin. As the clock ticks, Tayyar tries to win Fatih's favor.Tayyar makes Nevin and Fatih an appealing offer, and Sami's team loses an important witness.
Nilüfer walks into the lion's den, and Elif has information that changes Tayyar's mind.Nedret has her own trick up her sleeve. Dort findest du etwa ganze Folgen von Serien wie 4 Blocks, Steel Buddies und FBI, aber natürlich auch Shows wie Germany’s Next Topmodel, Big Brother oder The Masked Singer.