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They called him Caveman and all that, but he couldn't forget that they were dangerous, too. 29 30 31.

Kate Barlow robbed the first Stanley Yelnats of his fortune while he was moving from New York to California. Mr. Pendanski is the Tent D counselor.

Stanley's mother insists there's no family curse, though she also can't ignore the fact that things go wrong for her family often. Learn more about Quia: Create your own activities Kate Barlow She lived on Green Lake one hundred and ten years ago, when there was still water in it.While intelligent and kind by nature, the murder of her beloved Sam turns Kate into a violent outlaw who lives on the wrong side of the law. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." She rewards only those who do what she wants and uses her power to threaten everyone else. Stanley is the fourteen-year-old protagonist of the novel, who has been wrongfully imprisoned at a labor camp in Texas for stealing a famous athlete’s sneakers. Holes grossed $16.3 million in its opening weekend, finishing #2 at the box office behind Anger Management ' s second weekend. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our LitCharts uses cookies to personalize our services. For this reason people call him Trout, because his feet smell like dead fish. Ricky was sent to Camp Green Lake for setting off fire crackers at school that ended up setting off the fire alarm. She has hidden cameras that she uses to spy on the boys and nail polish with rattlesnake venom that she will use to scratch those who displease her. The sheriff is a racist and powerful man in 1880s Green Lake. Struggling with distance learning?
Struggling with distance learning? [1] Sam is killed by the racist people of Green Lake after he and Kate kiss. Teachers and parents!

Sam knew how to make many medicinal remedies out of onions and he was strong and smart. She does not believe in curses and always tries to point out the luck that the Yelnats' have had. Elya is Stanley's great-great-grandfather and the reason that Stanley's family has such bad luck. Zero is the great-great-great-grandson of Madame Zeroni, the woman who put a curse on Stanley's family. X-Ray is the leader of the group of boys at Camp Green Lake. "You have to dig it up. He also passes down the song that Madame Zeroni taught him while he was still in Latvia. Asked in Holes - Novel and Movie. He takes a great deal of offense to ...is animated and talking loudly. X-Ray is a small boy in Tent D. Despite his size, he's the leader of the group and is always first in line for water. Mr. Sir is one of the counselors at Camp Green Lake. He's relatively young and wears a buzz cut, but he also has a thick curly beard. Ricky was sent to Camp Green Lake for setting off fire crackers at school that ended up setting off the fire alarm.

Clyde becomes the spokesman for Stanley's father's cure for foot odor. He is as tough as X-Ray, although he often follows X-Ray's directions. Instant downloads of all 1331 LitChart PDFs They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!” well, that's a funny story but i always thought he got the name zigzag because he wore his long hair in different styles, but i now real... Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He touts the healing powers of onions, citing his donkey Mary Lou as evidence: he claims that she's nearly 50 and never gets sick because… The Warden, the novel's villain, owns and runs Camp Green Lake in the Texas desert. His name is spelt the same backwards as it is forwards. ...that Group D always lines up in the same order: X-Ray first, then Armpit, Squid, He seems to be friendly but really he is just as mean as the Warden and Mr. Sir. Mr. Yelnats is Stanley's father. He's prepared to hang He also suffers from an incurable foot fungus that makes his feet smell like dead fish. She is a descendent of Charles and Linda Walker and is making the boys dig holes in an attempt to dig up Kate Barlow's treasure. Zero has suffered many hardships in his life, even more than Stanley, but he never completely despairs and always shows incredible strength and willpower. In the present, Madame Zeroni is described as a "Gypsy woman;" in reality, Madame Zeroni was Egyptian. When Kate Barlow refuses to go out with him he becomes very angry. As Mr. Sir would say, this wasn't a Girl Scout camp. He is tough and mean and is constantly eating sunflower seeds. You got to go and dig those holes. Eventually he discovers a cure to foot odor and is able to hire the lawyer, Ms. Morengo to get Stanley out of Camp Green Lake. When it comes to Zig Zag, it's mixed and matched. Zero is another camper at Camp Green Lake who becomes friends with Stanley. It is also Armpit who the Warden gets angry at when she realizes that the boys are not digging up what she wants in Chapter 17. He's especially grumpy because, when