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‘So, we need to make our voices heard and demand more entitlements.’This only serves to perpetuate the “systemic racism” in America today.Okay, BLM demands that “racism be declared a public health crisis in Washington state.” Hell, let’s declare racism to be a health crisis throughout the country.That would mean BLM can’t segregate by race at their protests.

We want ensure this is a Black led march, but we encourage everyone to march with their family and loved ones.It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the “March Order” is segregated by race: Blacks first, followed by people of color — Asian-Americans and Hispanics — and finally their “white allies.” Well, at least whites came before “bikes.”Now, if Black Lives Matter’s goal is to seek equality, which they claim, the separation of participants by race strikes me as more than a little hypocritical.It seems to me that the organization’s objective is not equality, but something else. The Breathtaking Hypocrisy of Jews Who Line Up Behind Steve Bannon’s Twisted Vision of America Jane Eisner Nov 16, 2016 Image by Getty Images … It feeds this old model of operation that we’ve developed, that America is guilty of racism…and has been for four centuries and minorities are victims who are And so, when people start to talk about systemic racism built into the system, what they’re really doing is expanding their territory of entitlement.

a situation in which someone pretends to believe something that they do not really believe, or…。了解更多。 She is forced to acknowledge the hypocrisy of a father who concealed 'the hideous mystery' regarding the mills that generated all his wealth. Because the truth of the matter is that blacks have never been less oppressed than they are today.

LINE通知の表示とは、LINEのトークルームにメッセージが来た時に画面中央に表示されるポップアップのことを言います。 この機能はAndroid版のLINEに限られた機能で、LINEアプリを開いていない時や他のアプリを開いている時でも、LINEに来たメッセージをポップアップで確認できるので、 … Not only have we had to deal with the pandemic, she said:But also by the rumbling of the age-old fault lines that our country was built on. We want more. Like signing up on your smartphone, you'll need to verify your phone number before you can start using LINE. Learn more. This Is How It’s Done: Police and Prosecutor Give Best Response to BLM Marchers Who Block RoadsDe Blasio Admits a Troubling Fact About the BLM Lettering in Front of Trump TowerBiden’s VP Vetting Turning Into A Game of Three Card MonteDan Bongino: Sources Say Joe Biden Is Reaching the Point of No Return, Democrats Will Have a Decision to MakeTrump Approval Soaring, Voter Enthusiasm Outstripping That of Biden SupportersCopyright Media. hypocrisy的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. Well-funded efforts have sprung up to defeat this “new anti-Semitism,” especially on college campuses, and it’s getting to the point where support of the movement to boycott, sanction and divest from Israel is equated with betrayal of the Jewish people.So obsessed are we with looking for threats from one direction that we have missed the growing danger from another.Unleashed by Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and cemented by the appointment of Stephen Bannon to a powerful position in the White House, the anti-Semitic sentiments of the far right are closer to the center of political power than they have been in recent memory.This “new, new anti-Semitism” is largely limited to social media onslaughts and is nowhere near as pervasive as the global efforts to isolate Israel and Israelis. We want more…Society is responsible for us because racism is so systemic.Well, that’s a corruption.

But they refuse to see their challenges as anything other than white oppression — which is racial stereotyping.Political analyst Shelby Steele, who is black, grew up during the civil rights era in the 1960s. All Rights Reserved.

She had the opportunity at that moment to empower them — to encourage them to seek the “opportunity that is around every corner.” Many blacks Mrs. Obama’s advice to graduates was to mobilize and become community organizers to bring radical change following the death of George Floyd.She resurrected the tired old myth that no matter how hard they work, they won’t get ahead.

“So, what is this really all about?” Steele thinks it’s about power and, “in order to pursue power, as they do, you have to have victims.”The death of George Floyd, he told Levin, “generates such excitement among this crowd and validates their argument that America is a wretched country. This can be viewed on the group’s We ask that all march participants respect the following order of procession. And I know it’s a corruption.