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They tell him they aren’t burglars, they’re just hungry, and the drunken Tramp drinks with them and lets them go about their business. The workers go back to the assembly line after lunch and the President again increases the speed of Section 5. The Tramp struggles to live in modern industrial society with the help of a young homeless woman.Chaplin's last 'silent' film, filled with sound effects, was made when everyone else was making talkies. The President decides to try it out on The Tramp, but the machine malfunctions and slaps the Tramp around, feeds him bolts, and pies him in the face. They all rush to punch in as the An inventor and two salesmen come to the factory to try to sell the President a Feeding Machine, which feeds the workers while they work, eliminating the need for a lunch hour. The Tramp blindfolds himself while roller skating to show off, and nearly falls off the edge of the fourth floor because there is no railing. Beyond being wanted by the law, the question becomes whether they individually or together can find their proper place in the ever changing world which seems out to get them.The story begins on the life of a factory working who is employed on the assembly line. As Chaplin describes how nice it would be to live in a house like the one behind them, a fantasy sequence shows him and the Gamin living together in comfortable bliss, with plenty to eat. Meanwhile, the child welfare officers who first tried to take the Gamin under their charge get a warrant for her arrest and begin to search for her. He leaves the factory, and is chased by a policeman after trying to tighten the buttons on a woman’s blouse. Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu Moderne … We follow Charlie through many more escapades before the film is out.The idea of the film was apparently given to Chaplin by a young reporter, who told him about the production line system in Detroit, which was turning its workers into nervous wrecks. He is told that he needs to do an amazing job singing to make up for it, but as he tries to rehearse he keeps forgetting the lines. Cured after his breakdown, he is arrested when he picks up a red flag that has fallen off the back of a lorry, and runs down the street to return it, exactly the same time as a left-wing demonstration comes round the corner.
We later find out that one of the burglars is the former factory worker who worked beside the Tramp on the assembly line. At prison, the Tramp accidentally eats and snorts a large quantity of cocaine that another prisoner had smuggled in. he is called to the Warden’s office and informed that he is free to go. Next, in an effort to get arrested and return to the safety of jail, The Tramp eats a massive meal in a cafeteria, and calls a police officer inside while explaining that he cannot pay. None of the salesmen, nor the President, seem to care about the Tramp at all, and the President only turns down the machine because it is not practical, not because it is dangerous. Meanwhile, we are introduced to While The Tramp is reading in the newspaper about terrible things outside of the prison walls (unemployment, riots, etc.)
In the film, Charlie becomes literally trapped in the machine and, in one of his finest patches of comic invention, is battered and buffeted by an automatic feeding machine introduced by his bosses to save time and money. Just when the lunch break ends and he gets the engineer out of machine, the workers decide to go on strike again and he has to leave the factory. He asks if he can stay in jail longer, but the Warden laughs it off and gives him a letter of recommendation to find a job. He performs the song anyway, singing gibberish but dancing and acting out the lines, and gets a standing ovation. Failing as a worker on a factory assembly line, he gets into a series of adventures and misadventures, which leads to him meeting a young recently orphaned gamine who ran away rather than end up in an orphanage. The Tramp convinces her to “buck up” and keep trying, and the two walk off into the sunrise, smiling.Modern Times study guide contains a biography of Charles Chaplin, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.Modern Times literature essays are academic essays for citation. Failing as a worker on a factory assembly line, he gets into a series of adventures and misadventures, which leads to him meeting a young recently orphaned gamine who ran away rather than end up in an orphanage. Charles Chaplin’s Modern Times is an amusing comedy and also an acutely observed piece of social criticism. and progress. The next morning they sit on the side of a deserted street outside of the city, and the Gamin breaks down into tears, ready to give up on trying to find a better life. As the men take him hostage, they accidentally shoot a hole in a barrel of whiskey, in front of the Tramp but tell him that he cannot move, so he gets incredibly drunk as the alcohol pours into his mouth. His job sees him screwing nuts at an ever-increasing rate as part of the assembly line as well as being subjected to new, untested inventions like an 'automatic feeding machine'. Once he is pulled out it becomes clear that he has suffered a nervous breakdown, and he runs around the factory trying to twist anything that remotely resembles a bolt with his wrench (including his co-worker’s nose and nipples and the buttons on the secretary’s skirt). From then on the theme is about two nondescripts trying to get along in modern times. He runs back into the factory to escape the policeman, being sure to punch in his time card when he returns, and nearly causes a riot at the factory as he runs around messing with machines, before he is finally arrested and sent to a hospital.After being cured of his nervous breakdown, The Tramp leaves the hospital to begin his life anew. Not affiliated with Harvard College. We then see that three men have broken into the department store, but the Tramp does not notice them until it is too late. While on cocaine, the Tramp stops an escape by his cellmate and two other prisoners, and is rewarded by the warden and prison guards with special treatment (a private cell, modern comforts, a daily newspaper). She is successful and is able to get the Tramp a job as a singing waiter when he is released from jail.