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But they agree that they must go in disguise because if they are recognised at the party by the Capulets, they might be killed.That night, at the party, Romeo meets Juliet, and they fall in love at first sight.

Could the parents of the two fighting families imagine how strongly their son and daughter loved each other?I sometimes hear the similar story involving an arranged marriage. When she wake up from the fake death she so that he is death and she became suicide.I believe that it is the two families fault that Romeo and Julliet didn't have a "happily ever after". Capulet talks with Paris about Paris's plans to marry Juliet, and invites him to a feast to begin wooing her. The Nurse, the Capulets, and Paris discover that Juliet is "dead," and mourn extensively.In Mantua, Balthasar tells Romeo that Juliet is dead. I think the story is great, but i don't know if it's so relevant todayI believe that the families are the reason for their deaths, because they let their hatred overshadow their children's love for each other. Game. This is not relevant today. Friar Lawrence proposes to Juliet that she take a sleeping potion to feign death on her and Paris's wedding night, and Romeo and Juliet can live together in Mantua. Also, it's not applicable to today's life as we don't hate someone so much we fight in the streets and hold each other from marrying the people we don't like.I think it's their families feud that is responsible for the tragic deaths. Romeo and his friends decide that it would be exciting to go to the Capulets’ party too. The two families decide to make peace with each other, and promise to build a monument to the memory of both Romeo and Juliet.Are Romeo and Juliet’s deaths just a tragic accident?
And even in countries were it doesn't exists families that hate each other were they won't let their children marry each other even if they are madly in love with each other.Are Romeo and Juliet’s deaths just a tragic accident? But all the way around, it's more than just a tragic accident. Their death wasn't a tragic accident but the results of two families' hatred . Romeo is from the Montague family and Juliet is a Capulet, but they fall in love at first sight. A fight breaks out between members of the Capulet and Montague houses, and Prince Escalus demands all fighting stop. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select.Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select.Shakespeare’s play about the doomed romance of two teenagers from feuding families is the most famous love story ever written Romeo buys a poison and plans to return to Verona to kill himself and lay with Juliet in her grave that night.Friar Lawrence learns that Romeo never received his letter explaining Juliet's fake death plan, and plans to rescue Juliet from the tomb. There are no such pills that can stop your heartbeat and all that to seem dead.I would use a Swedish quote to describe this. I feel so blessed that I live in a part of the world, where we do not have to worry about arranged marriage, and I hope that this story will make people that creates these kind of marriages aware of the tragic it can cause.I believe that if the families had not been enemies Romeo and Juliet had lived a happy life.I think there is a relevant connection in the difference between races. They were to caught up in their own problems with each other, that they destroyes theie own children in the process.I also like this work . Romeo is sent away from Verona but Friar Lawrence, the priest who organised the secret wedding between Romeo and Juliet, arranges for them to spend one night together as husband and wife.Meanwhile, the Capulets decide that Juliet must marry Count Paris immediately. Discussion. I thinks their parents and their families was responsible, but not only them, also the preist. If they were not arguing then R & J could have been happily married with the blessing of their families and no one would need to have died. Romeo thought that she is dead and kill himself. After the feast, Romeo looks for Juliet and hides from Benvolio and Mercutio. Two families, the Montagues and the Capulets, hate each other so much that they fight on the street whenever they meet.One of these families, the Capulets, organises a big party so that they can introduce their daughter Juliet to a rich nobleman, Count Paris, who has asked to marry her. But it ain't only the parrents' and families' fault. Romeo and Benvolio plan to attend this same party.The Nurse recites a sexual anecdote involving Juliet. If the priest hadn't gave Juliet the drug, Romeo wouldn't thought that Juliet was dead.I think that the story still is relevant today, because some families are fighting against each other. Do you think the story of Romeo and Juliet is relevant to life today?I believe their deaths were an accident .

Most teenager's parrents wouldn't be happy if their daughter/son mariage a person from exampel a country that they are in war with...I don't think their death was a accident. Their parents are why they both committed suicide, they couldn't accept Romeo and Juliet's love because of their hate to each other is too strong. Today, unfortunately, even if in a different way, there are a trouble of this kind.My favourite part in Romeo and Juliet has the death scene. There, inside the tomb, he meets Count Paris, who has also come to say goodbye to Juliet. Romeo hides in the garden, and talks to Juliet when she appears on her balcony. Tragically, Romeo never gets Friar Lawrence’s message that Juliet has taken a drug and is really alive, he only hears that she is dead.