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Looking back , unlike many westerners including journalists, have understood the complexities of our tiny nation.You did brilliantly ; second to none under the circumstances. I discovered I was too old.

Thank you for the clear passion you had towards my infuriating country. Finally, the unattractive character design didn't help at all, either.“Yallah Bye” is a graphic novel (GN) about a family’s experiences in Lebanon while Israel is undergoing air strike attacks on the country. It's a mild inconvenience compared to the loss and destruction of other who were much less privileged, less entitled, less fortunate, and couldn't ride away on a magic boat. and in the educational programs such as Chevening.You are one of the rare ambassadors who loved Lebanon from their heart, and more than many many Lebanese, Thank you for that. Not sure we still have the energy. Regards RabThis is insulting and it didnt move me one bit sorry. What a flabbergasting personality spreading positiv vibes despite all the negativity we’re surrounded with.

We’d love your help. people like you are not allowed.I bow my head In the upmost respect for you brother.Wish I could read sincere letters like yours, written to the Lebanese people by our leaders and be able to engage with them Mr. We are hiring in Baabda , shit job but great office . The UK embassy personnel do not give out flyers encouraging the people of Lebanon to drive like maniacs, thus endangering the lives of many, or to throw out trash from their Mercedes’s and BMWs, thus keeping our street filthy.

by Le Lombard Your “kingdom” also is the most avid supporter of the black kingdom of terror of saudi arabia simply because it preserved your interests in the region for a century now. I hope President Obama can deliver his aim of a Palestinian state with security and dignity. Resignation. Not sure what your bosses at the Foreign Office will think of it though. I thought it would be harsger and more graphic, but it is faorly family friendly kind of story. His book Seven Pillars of Wisdom is good to readI spent some time in Lebanon and had good experiencesHello budy, how are you. "Unsympathetic story of fear and selfishness", seriously?

EDUCATION WILL LEAD TO MORE TOLERENCE WETHER ONE IS MOSLEM CHRISTIAN,JEWISH AGNOSTIC ETC. (ah) yallah, goodbye! You have left your mark on Lebanon and very big shoes to fill.I wish u had stayed more to pay us that visit as u promised ?however I also wished we had ppl like u with integrity ,value and principles .i hope u can achieve one of ur agenda is another country .best of luck ur excellencyThank you for your honest thoughts and your work for Lebanon (more appreciated than what most of its own citizen have done lately). And that's it. It is our honor to have you as an ambassador of Lebanon…keep our beloved country in your heart and prayers. Each one starting with themselves.All my respects..No need to take our permission to be our ambassador..It will be an honor for us…Regarding your dreams and ours about the future in our country, unfortunately our politicians have another ones…I hope that some of them will read and understand your ideas even if I am sure that they won’t…Anyway Good Luck and we will still remember you as a great friend as much as a perfect Britain and “Lebanese” ambassador..I had the honor to receive you Mr.Ambassador at my office at UNHCR when you came in a delegation visit to meet the Syrians.I hope Lebanon 2020 will leave you the same impression you left me when you had a chat with a Syrian family: extreme kindness, motivation to help, readiness to implement and most of all considering yourself as one of our partners.I hope the Lebanese in 2020 will reach this level of partnership rather than opposition.Definitely not too young for the job! Part of the family is on vacation from France and the story shows how the members of the family handle the violence differently, including one son who is still in France and trying to follow the events.

A friend of Lebanon.Wow !

We all have our “ideas” of Lebanon, but the sad thing we do not have that idea in common. and we shall never give up…. It was a privilege to serve alongside someone always looking up.Thank you for encapsulating the maddenly frustrating, wonderfully enervating, hopelessly optimistic paradox of this country that we love.After reading your Yalla! Keep loving Lebanon, a country that always return love with lots of blessings “such an accurate description of the current state of the Lebanon”Look at all the replies and shares you got! They distrust the poor.

Ambassador!…I wish one day soon, the Lebanese people will wake up and unnimously tell those corrupt politicians and oligarchs, YALLA BYE.What do you mean waiting moderation ? I really enjoyed the content. We all hated it. We want to save lebanon, we should start with us, we are the future if we believe in it, we are the hope, if we work for achieving it, we are lebanon when we start loving it and not the men who run it.Your Excellency though I commented earlier on this fabulous letter of yours, I have one question:WHEN WOULD THE LEBANESE GOVERNMENT ACCREDIT THE UNITED KINGDOM’s A-LEVEL so our children get a fair entry to universities without losing a year? The dialogue and pictures create an important perspective of th“Yallah Bye” is a graphic novel (GN) about a family’s experiences in Lebanon while Israel is undergoing air strike attacks on the country. Your abilities on social media are second to none. A timely graphic novel that so artfully presents the limbo in which aA remarkable work on returning to one’s roots in the modern world, a stark juxtaposition of existence in the coddled West vs the soulful but dangerous Middle East. To be honest, I followed you intermittently, as it was noticeable, that you were quite different from most of your predecssors (British Ambassadors to Lebanon….yawn).!!!!!! and how to regain our country back?