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These are external links and will open in a new windowThe UK left the EU on 31 January 2020 and is now in an 11-month transition period. Three quarters of hauliers face loss of permits in no-deal Brexit The latest news on Brexit, politics and beyond direct to your inbox. With unemployment set to soar, we cannot know whether there will be the jobs available for people in this country, let alone from abroad

Brexit officially happened on 31 January but the UK is now in a transition period until the end of 2020.

Free ports: post-Brexit triumph or the emperor's new clothes? It's also important to recognise that major changes will take effect on 1 January 2021 whether or not a trade deal is agreed.
The European Commission has rejected calls for the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement to be rewritten after senior Tories complained it could leave the UK liable for £160 billion of unpaid loans. Rather than make state aid which could scupper a UK/EU trade deal, there is scope for them to cooperate

Long-awaited report will lay bare Russia's efforts to interfere in UK elections

Free movement of people will end and businesses trading with the EU will have to follow new rules.The president has given Microsoft 45 days to reach a deal or he will ban the app in the US. It is time we woke up to what’s at stake and focus on securing the best outcome post-Brexit for the City, rather than less important sectors Russia report: Kremlin 'tried to meddle in Scottish independence vote' - but no evidence that it targeted Brexit

During this period the UK effectively remains in the EU's customs union and single market and continues to obey EU rules.However, it is no longer part of the political institutions.

Your evening guide: UK and EU divided over fisheries and 'level playing field' and Sturgeon accuses PM of using Covid-19 as campaign tool

The Cygnus exercise baked a 'herd immunity' strategy into UK official pandemic plans which assumed that a virus could not be contained What the EU's coronavirus rescue fund deal means for Brexit Mike Pompeo says he hopes for a quick US-UK trade deal - and urges nations to 'push back' against China

Millionaire Brexit backer Stuart Wheeler asked friends to break lockdown to say final farewells


Angela Merkel saved the EU from being consumed by a crisis.

Post-Brexit fishing row escalates as France tells the UK it will fight for French fishermen Farming lobbyists are at odds with UK consumer groups amid trade talks overshadowed by chlorinated meat

So, for example, there are no longer any British MEPs in the European Parliament.Negotiations on a trade deal with the EU have been proceeding for several months. But critics have pointed out that the UK wishes to have the freedom to diverge from EU rules so it can do deals with other countries - and that makes negotiations more difficult. Think tank releases a report claiming universities and the Government must do much more to ensure that all lawful speech is protected The Telegraph learns Government's working assumption is that Britain will trade with Europe on World Trade Organisation terms

0. by 'Chad' Covid-19 and lockdown continue to dominate the media and Brexit seems a distant memory. Academic freedom under threat as pro-Brexit professors face discrimination 30th May 2020. The Telegraph has revealed that Government assumption is now that Britain will have no trade deal in place when transition period ends We rely on advertising to help fund our award-winning journalism.We urge you to turn off your ad blocker for The Telegraph website so that you can continue to access our quality content in the future. MPs vote down amendment to define post-Brexit trade deals

Revealed: Spain secretly lobbied US Congress on getting joint sovereignty over Gibraltar The truth behind the Dominic Cummings witch-hunt.

It's not just a trade deal that needs to be sorted out. NEWS.

Government has 'terrorised' Britons into believing coronavirus will kill them, says adviser We must bat for the City of London and keep it out of Brussels' clutches EU fishermen demand status quo access to UK waters after Brexit transition as trade talks resume

British businesses to face mountain of paperwork as post-Brexit border plans unveiled

French president snapped as talks over €750bn coronavirus economic stimulus package enter their fourth day The organisation is planning to take over responsibility for prosecuting ‘about 100 criminal offences’

Get the latest BBC Politics news: breaking news, comment and analysis plus political guides and in-depth special reports on UK and EU politics. British businesses to face mountain of paperwork as post-Brexit border plans unveiled

UK-EU trade talks resume today in London with a dinner between chief negotiators Michel Barnier and David Frost

James Sproule calls on Mr Johnson to allow a new generation of start-ups to operate within UK company law from Commonwealth countries Will she also intervene to prevent a no-trade-deal Brexit? Global Britain urged to open doors for developing world Jeremy Hunt says he has no problem with Government's 2016 pandemic report being published

These are external links and will open in a new window He pursued his enthusiasms quietly and politely, but with astonishing tenacity Lorry companies will automatically enter the European ECMT scheme which distributes a fixed number of permits per country Stuart Wheeler measured himself by the palpable difference he made to the world