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He was on “60 Minutes” for 46 years, holding the longest tenure on prime-time television of anyone in history. “He was a pirate! Ursprünglich nur engagiert, um bei einem Nachdreh für „The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams“ auszuhelfen, überredete Haggerty die Produzenten, den Film mit ihm in der Hauptrolle neu zu drehen. She was 89. He was 92. He held the record for the most medals in history with 24.

He advocated for the homeless, gays and lesbians and other liberal causes.
Dan Haggerty appeared in the 1974 TV movie “The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams” and in the series of the same name that ran in 1977-78.Actor Dan Haggerty of “Grizzly Adams” fame died early Friday of cancer, said his longtime friend and manager Terry Bomar. He was 95. She was 78. The Academy Award winner was revered as one of the most influential cinematographers in film history for his work on classics including “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and “The Deer Hunter.” He was 85.

He was 45. “I’m scared to death!”Haggerty was divorced once then remarried. She is the author of the nonfiction book “Ghettoside: A True Story of Murder in America.”The family of politician John Hume, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for work to end violence in his native Northern Ireland, says he has died.The recipient of the first partial face transplant in the U.S. has died almost a dozen years after the groundbreaking operation.Tom Pollock’s tenure included blockbusters like ‘Jurassic Park,’ ‘Back to the Future’ and ‘Do the Right Thing.’Wilford Brimley, who worked his way up from stunt performer to star of films such as “Cocoon” and “The Natural,” has died.Miss Mercy joined Pamela Des Barres in Frank Zappa’s all-girl rock band the GTOs (Girls Together Outrageously) before becoming a style icon of her own.Bill English, the unsung hero of the dawn of personal computing, has died at 91.Oscar-nominated English director Alan Parker, known for his work on ‘Evita,’ ‘Midnight Express’ and other memorable films, dies. She was 93. He served as the official and unofficial watchdog over the Los Angeles Unified School District and wrote about his experiences Fountain combined the Swing Era sensibility of jazz clarinetist Benny Goodman with the down-home, freewheeling style characteristic of traditional New Orleans jazz to become a national star in the 1950s as a featured soloist on the “The Lawrence Welk Show.” He was 86. Known as “Mr. Known as the “queen of knitwear,” Sonia Rykiel became a fixture of Paris’ fashion scene, starting in 1968.

Todesursache: Hamilton wurde in seiner Pariser Wohnung tot aufgefunden. Januar 2016 in Burbank, Kalifornien) war ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, der vor allem durch die Hauptrolle des bärtigen Einsiedlers James „Grizzly“ Adams in der Fernsehserie Der Mann in den Bergen bekannt wurde.. Dan Haggerty hatte zu Beginn seiner Schauspielkarriere Rollen in Muscle Beach Party und im Elvis-Presley … Her passing came only one day after her daughter, Carrie Fisher, died at the age of 60. Thirty-six years after his first flight, he became the oldest man to go into space. Known as “the first lady of anti-feminism,” Schlafly was a political activist who galvanized grass-roots conservatives to help defeat the Equal Rights Amendment and, in ensuing decades, effectively push the Republican Party to the right. She was 92. Januar 2016 in Burbank, Kalifornien, an einer Krebserkrankung starb. She was 61.

Aguirre was best known for his portrayal of the towering “Profesor Jirafales,” the likable and often disrespected giraffe teacher on the 1970s-era hit show “El Chavo del Ocho.” The screwball comedy helped usher in an era of edgier comedy in Mexico and elsewhere. He was 88. Grab: Sterbedaten von David Hamilton ; Todestag: 25. Reno was the first woman to serve as United States attorney general. Pro-BMX biker Dave Mirra was one of the most decorated athletes in X Games history.

Rubin’s uncovering of evidence of the existence of dark matter revealed that “there’s much more out there than we would expect based on our common-sense experience,” said James Bullock, professor of physics and astronomy at UC Irvine. He was 87. He was 84. So simple it could be performed by children, the eponymous maneuver made Heimlich a household name. The first woman to become a Lutheran pastor in Orange County, Wolfe-Devol reached out to the LGBT community and helped clear the way for the 2009 vote by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America that permitted gay and lesbian clergy to openly marry and continue to serve in the church.

She was 68. The Ethiopian running legend inspired world-class athletes such as Haile Gebrselassie. He was 89. The system’s been good to me,” he told a Times reporter in 1987.Photos of leaders, stars and other notable figures who died in 2016.Wong’s masterly touch brought a poetic quality to Disney’s “Bambi” that has helped it endure as a classic of animation. He was 72. Weitere Informationen: http://epaper.welt.de Der Kurz-Link dieses Artikels lautet: https://www.welt.de/151082009 Registrieren Sie sich kostenlos für Leserkommentare, Newsletter und exklusive Abo-Inhalte.Registrieren Sie sich kostenlos für Leserkommentare, Newsletter und exklusive Abo-Inhalte. Maurice White, co-founder and leader of the groundbreaking ensemble Earth, Wind & Fire, was the source for a wealth of euphoric hits in the 1970s and early ‘80s, including ‘Shining Star,’ ‘September,’ and ‘Boogie Wonderland.’ He was 74. A descendant of a 700-year-old dynasty, Bhumibol was the great-grandson of King Mongkut, who was depicted in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s musical “The King and I.” He was 88. He loved the bear on the show — a female called Boz, short for Bozo.