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We know her name is Queenie by her nametag. TELEPHONE (212) 744-1900          FAX (212) 744-1919          INFO@VDWNY.COMVan de Weghe, Ltd.  is committed to making this website available to as many people as possible and is engaged in continued efforts to ensure that this website is accessible to those with special needs, including those with visual, hearing, cognitive and motor impairments.

Duane Hanson. Wahnhafte Wirklichkeit", die zurzeit im Kunsthaus Zürich zu sehen ist, wirft einen aufregenden Blick auf die Kunst der letzten 50 Jahre. A large woman with a diminutive name, she stands in moment of weary reflection wearing an aqua janitress uniform, hand atop a rolling trashcan stocked with cleaning supplies. Housewives shopping are a central motif in this American artist's oeuvre. He lived in Germany in the 1950s, finally settling in Florida in 1965. Im Werk beider Künstler sind gewöhnlich wirkende Szenen, Durchschnittsmenschen, sowie bedrückende Alltagsszenarien in ungeschönter Detailtreue eingefangen. He was one of a number of sculptors who took to casting figures from life in the 1960s. His work highlights the discrepancy between the American dream and its reality and obliges us to regard his subjects empathically. With his meticulous attention to detail, and by posing his subject in stasis, Hanson gives us the unusual privilege to stare in a way that is not permitted in our daily interactions with others; we alternate between detachment from and identification with her.Hanson’s subjects attract us precisely because of their everyday-ness.

Van de Weghe Fine Art is pleased to present Queenie II, 1988, by Duane Hanson (1925-1996). Related groups. Sie sind Teil einer Ausstellung von Werken des weltbekannten Pop-Art- Künstlers Duane Hanson (1925-1996), die von diesem Samstag an im Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte zu sehen ist. Seine Motive sind ausschließlich typische Durchschnittsmenschen der amerikanischen Unter- und Mittelschicht, perfekte plastische Imitationen, die die Grenze zwischen echter „Kunstwelt“ und künstlicher „Echtwelt“ verwischen. “Duane Hanson’s iconic sculptures of ordinary people will literally stop visitors in their tracks this summer. Harris Gallery in New York directly after she was completed in 1971.

Sport and leisure. In the same year, the Ludwigs discovered the sculpture there, bought it and put it on show in Aachen in spring 1971 in the "Neue Galerie – Sammlung Ludwig". Mit seinen lebensgroßen, naturgetreuen Skulpturen ist der Amerikaner Duane Hanson ein Synonym für den zeitgenössischen Realismus in der Kunst geworden. Duane Hanson's "Supermarket Lady" had her debut in the O.K. Our efforts to improve this website in this regard are in process, so if you come across a page or feature you find inaccessible or difficult to use, please send your feedback to info@vdwny.com. Philosophenweg 76 D-72076 Tübingen +49 (0) 70 71 / 96 91-0 info@kunsthalle-tuebingen.de. Bronze, polychromed in oil, mixed media with accessories© Estate of Duane Hanson / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY Die Ausstellung umfasste 31 Werke mit 37 Einzelfiguren.Installation view, Duane Hanson More than Reality, Stuttgarter KünstlerbundWir freuen uns sehr hiermit die aktuelle Station unseres Ausstellungsprojekts © Institut für Kulturaustausch +49 (0) 7071 / 93 45 0https://www.facebook.com/Institutfuerkulturaustausch/https://www.instagram.com/institutfuerkulturaustausch/https://de.linkedin.com/company/institut-fuer-kulturaustausch Kunsthalle Tübingen. Travel. Seine Motive sind ausschließlich typische Durchschnittsmenschen der amerikanischen Unter- und Mittelschicht, perfekte plastische Imitationen, die die Grenze zwischen echter „Kunstwelt“ und künstlicher „Echtwelt“ verwischen. Newsletter; Impressum; Datenschutz; Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Ok . Our efforts in that regard are ongoing.

Duane Hanson und Gregory Crewdson, so will die Ausstellung deutlich machen, beschäftigen sich in ihren Arbeiten mit der schonungslosen Realität unseres Lebens. As such, we are able to see in them a reflection of ourselves, which is more important now than ever. Hanson was born in Minnesota. Hanson began making hyper-realistic figurative sculptures in the 1960s. We recognize that this is an important issue, and we are working to ensure that this website is accessible to all persons who wish to use it.