Only in this spirit and with this humility can the Church renew herself. "In October 2012 Woelki was nominated for a Respect Award by the Alliance Against Homophobia. Finally, it applies also to the fact that the Church, obedient to the example of Christ, is unable to ordain women as priests. Erste Ansprache an die Gläubigen. But in these debates, the leading question is often turned upside down. The answer needs to be searched for anew and found again, not reinvented. Neither do I want us to circle the wagons, like a small pious flock entrenching itself. There is an ongoing debate about necessary “reforms” in the Church in Germany. The way of the Church can only lead into the future, not into the past. It has been given to us without any merit on our part. Human sexuality is part of God’s plan of salvation, and lived consciously and responsibly it is a source of joy and new life. Rainer Maria Cardinal Woelki is the archbishop of Cologne. They have implemented all that is being demanded. We hear these sorts of questions: What do people want? He renounced calls to abolish clerical celibacy and to ordain women.All those inside and outside the Church who so vehemently push for changes (liberalizing celibacy, reconsidering homosexuality, ordaining women, accepting sex outside of marriage) have not answered one question: Why are Protestant Christians in Germany not flourishing? Will the Church “have to act” because she has no choice? To put it pointedly: Would the Church’s faith also bend to the pressure of doubts about Christ’s resurrection? In these cases, will what I have heard so many times in recent weeks still apply? Where does the Church have to adapt in order to find acceptance? Why the Church? Christ’s own message has not been met only with approval and cheers but also with incomprehension and rejection: “This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?” (John 6:60). Are those “new realities” also to be affirmed as sources of revelation? Everything is entrusted to us. In fact, these people exist here and now: married people who stick together through thick and thin and are faithful to each other all their lives; priests and religious who live their vocations in good days and in bad. It also can exist and be experienced in our lives as stable marriage or as priestly devotion—and both with God as the focal point, consolation, and source of strength. One of Woelki's first tasks was to prepare for the arrival of On 6 January 2012, the Vatican announced that Woelki would be created a cardinal on 18 February along with 21 others.With his elevation, Woelki became eligible to vote in future In a speech in June 2012 Woelki said "I believe we should agree and indeed we do agree on the fact that in judging this type of relation or relationship there is a big difference in judgement when people take responsibility for one another, when engaged in a long-term relationship as couples do in heterosexual relationships. 1990-től 1997-ig Joachim Meisner bíboros személyi titkára. And when the Church does speak about sexuality, she should reflect on what is essential, what is good and hopeful. But our witness will touch and inspire people today only if we are faithful to our mission. But I come to different conclusions. To put it directly: We face a profound alternative: “De-worldlization” of the Church, or de-Christianization of the world—that part of the world, at least, in which we Germans live. More than anything else, this pervasive lack of basic knowledge of the faith should wake us Catholics up! Juli um 10 Uhr von Erzbischof Rainer Maria Kardinal Woelki im Kölner Dom. Jesus did not adapt his teaching to the wishes of the people: Instead, for the sake of truth he accepted that “many of his disciples drew back and no longer went about with him” (John 6:66). Become a fan of First Things on Facebook, subscribe to First Things via RSS, and follow First Things on Twitter.
Among the noise of urgent demands that something has to change and that all is outdated, these realities must not be forgotten.
That not only applies to the central dogmas about the trinity or the divine sonship of Christ, but also to other fundamental questions. Der Kölner Erzbischof Rainer Maria Kardinal Woelki hat am Donnerstag mit tausenden Gläubigen auf dem Roncalliplatz im Schatten des Kölner Domes das Pontifikalamt am Hochfest Fronleichnam gefeiert. This faith never made common cause with the world. Do not misunderstand me: I am not proposing unreflective traditionalism, or a nostalgia for the allegedly good old days.