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The Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus' message. It is true that in many cases contraception and even abortion are practised under the pressure of real- life difficulties, which nonetheless can never exonerate from striving to observe God's law fully.

Rom 5:8).In this way Jesus proclaims that life finds its centre, its meaning and its fulfilment when it is given up.At this point our meditation becomes praise and thanksgiving, and at the same time urges us to imitate Christ and follow in his footsteps (cf. After a thorough and detailed discussion of the problem and of the challenges it poses to the entire human family and in particular to the Christian community, the Cardinals unanimously asked me to reaffirm with the authority of the Successor of Peter the value of human life and its inviolability, in the light of present circumstances and attacks threatening it today.In response to this request, at Pentecost in 1991 I wrote a personal letter to each of my Brother Bishops asking them, in the spirit of episcopal collegiality, to offer me their cooperation in drawing up a specific document.
As time passed, the Church's Tradition has always consistently taught the absolute and unchanging value of the commandment "You shall not kill". It is a question, above all, of the individual conscience, as it stands before God in its singleness and uniqueness. W tym kontekście należy podkreślić, że nie wystarczy zniesienie niegodziwych praw. In transforming culture so that it supports life, women occupy a place, in thought and action, which is unique and decisive. © Arizona Board of Regents Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
Gen 37:26; Is 26:21; Ez 24:7-8). Ubóstwo, o którym mówi Paweł, nie jest tylko ogołoceniem się z Boskich przywilejów, ale pełnym uczestnictwem w uniżeniu i nietrwałości ludzkiego życia (por. Only thus, in the splendour of this image, can man be freed from the slavery of idolatry, rebuild lost fellowship and rediscover his true identity. Decyzję o zabójstwie dziecka jeszcze nie narodzonego podejmuje często nie tylko matka, ale inne jeszcze osoby. When the Church proclaims Christ as the one who "went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him" (Acts 10:38), she is conscious of being the bearer of a message of salvation which resounds in all its newness precisely amid the hardships and poverty of human life. The "no" which they unconditionally require makes clear the absolute limit beneath which free individuals cannot lower themselves. May they reach all people of good will who are concerned for the good of every man and woman and for the destiny of the whole of society! From its very title, Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life), the new encyclical of Pope John Paul II demonstrates its highly positive character and its great spiritual thrust. Yes, every man is his "brother's keeper", because God entrusts us to one another. „On oddał za nas życie swoje. Człowiek stary jest nie tylko „przedmiotem” troski, opieki i służby. 47. If the promotion of the self is understood in terms of absolute autonomy, people inevitably reach the point of rejecting one another. Title.Date created. Dlatego też każde zagrożenie godności i życia człowieka głęboko wstrząsa samym sercem Kościoła, dotyka samej istoty jego wiary w odkupieńcze wcielenie Syna Bożego i przynagla Kościół, by pełnił swą misję głoszenia Głoszenie to staje się szczególnie naglące dzisiaj, gdy lęk budzą coraz liczniejsze i poważniejsze zagrożenia życia ludzi i narodów, zwłaszcza życia słabego i bezbronnego. God, who preferred the correction rather than the death of a sinner, did not desire that a homicide be punished by the exaction of another act of homicide".10. Jesteśmy do tego zdolni, bo Ty, o Panie, dałeś nam przykład i przekazałeś nam moc Twego Ducha. „A gdy Jezus skosztował octu, rzekł: Wykonało się! But where human rights are truly professed and publicly recognized and defended, peace becomes the joyful and operative climate of life in society".The "people of life" rejoices in being able to share its commitment with so many others. 1 Cor 6:20; 7:23; 1 Pet 1:19). In him "life was made manifest" (1 Jn 1:2); he himself is "the eternal life which was with the Father and was made manifest to us" (1 Jn 1:2). 19. Przed śmiercią modli się do Ojca o przebaczenie dla swoich prześladowców (por. The Teacher is speaking about eternal life, that is, a sharing in the life of God himself. Ale nawet pośród najbardziej nieprzeniknionych ciemności wiara prowadzi do uznania „tajemnicy” z ufnością i uwielbieniem: „Wiem, że Ty wszystko możesz, co zamyślasz, potrafisz uczynić” (Hi 42, 2). Ma tu w rzeczywistości na myśli owo życie „nowe” i „wieczne”, polegające na komunii z Ojcem, do której każdy człowiek zostaje bez żadnych zasług powołany w Synu za sprawą Ducha Uświęciciela. The crowds of the sick and the outcasts who follow him and seek him out (cf. 23.