Coach is embarrassed to introduce Nick and Winston to May.Jess attends the memorial of a guy she barely knew, Schmidt tries to get his bar mitzvah money from his mother, and Winston wants to befriend Aly.Jess tries to get new computers for the school by schmoozing with politicians at a charity event.
Unterdessen versuchen, Winston und Aly ein Schwangerschaftsfoto auszusuchen.Nach einem feucht-fröhlichen Lunch beschließen Jess und Cece, Russell die Stirn zu bieten und für Jess mehr Verantwortung in ihrem neuen Job einzufordern. The gang has a new home phone, and Nick plays secretary.Winston's police academy processing includes a background check and home search, so Jess's possession of an illegal substance just might be an issue.Jess's new boyfriend seems threatened by Nick, so Nick pretends he's gay. Schmidt is dismayed when Cece contemplates breast reduction surgery.Jess is anxious about attending a weekend teachers' workshop with Ryan and Coach. ProSieben MAXX; SAT.1; sixx; Kabel Eins; Kabel Eins Doku; SAT.1 GOLD; Meanwhile, Schmidt deals with his own family drama.Jess frets about her biological clock when a friend gets pregnant, while Nick and Winston seek inspiration at the zoo for Nick's zombie-themed novel.Jess and Winston want to get a bathtub for the loft. Schmidt is caught in the middle between a bickering Nick and Cece.While Jess remains sequestered during jury duty, Nick rents out the loft to help pay for Schmidt's upcoming bachelor party in Tokyo.Nick is forced to think about his future when his cousin visits to ask him for a life-changing favor. 1. Schmidt hires a new assistant.While Schmidt and Cece stress out about security for their new home, Jess worries that she may be getting too close to Nick.Jess tries to avoid thinking about Nick while hanging with her dad. Winston and Schmidt help Nick write his new book. Rate. Die Freunde werfen einen Blick zurück in die Vergangenheit und spielen eine letzte Runde "True American".Wichtige Gastdarsteller in der 7. Schmidt (Max Greenfield) geht nach Ruths Geburt erstmal wieder arbeiten und macht sich Sorgen, dass Cece (Hannah Simone) wieder schwanger wird. Winston schools Nick on modern phone sex.When Schmidt, Cece, Winston and Aly invite Jess on their glamping trip, she brings along some single friends. New Girl Staffel 7 Episodenguide: Wir fassen schnell & übersichtlich alle Folgen der 7. Meanwhile, Nick serves as wingman when Schmidt crashes a bar mitzvah.A visit was one thing; now Jess's wild sister Abby plans to stay in L.A. Cece and Winston suggest to Coach and Schmidt they could be models.Just when Jess cracks down on dating among school staff, she gets the hots for a new teacher. Nick and Schmidt become official owners of the bar.Jess is happy to be summoned for jury duty until a work opportunity comes up. New Girl Engram Pattersky ... Startseite TV New Girl Episoden Staffel 7. Unterdessen findet Jess heraus, dass Coach Nick eine große Menge Geld schuldet.Die Freunde treffen sich, um einem geliebten Freund zu gedenken. Meanwhile, Schmidt and Nick argue over the rules of male friendship.Jess gets hired as a zombie at a haunted house. Nick tries to come up with the perfect wedding gift for Schmidt and Cece.While Jess and Robby wrestle with the idea of exclusivity, Schmidt asks Nick to help him deal with his difficult house contractor.Winston worries that his Secret Santa gift for Cece won't arrive in time, and the gang goes all out to ensure Jess has a memorable Christmas.Nick orders everyone to play it cool and not make a big deal of Reagan's move-in day.
Nick asks Aly for relationship advice. Die Freunde werfen einen Blick zurück in die Vergangenheit und spielen eine letzte Runde "True American".Jess (Zooey Deschanel) und Nick (Jake M. Johnson) treffen zwei wichtige Entscheidungen, die ihr Leben für immer verändern werden. 2011 TV-14 7 Seasons TV Shows.
Aly prepares to meet Winston's mom. Winston helps Cece shop for a wedding dress.Nick rents out Jess's room to an attractive pharmaceutical sales rep named Reagan, but it seems the bisexual Reagan has some history with Cece.Nick's attraction to Reagan impedes Schmidt and Cece's romance, so they try to demystify her, while Winston tutors Reagan in the art of breaking up.Reagan stirs up trouble when she tells Nick and Winston she'll sleep with one of them, but they must choose. Jess hears noises outside and asks the guys and their dates to return. Der "New Girl" Episodenguide liefert einen Überblick und mit den "New Girl"-Clips gibt es die Highlights aus verschiedenen Episoden noch einmal zum Anschauen. "New Girl Season 7" spielt ein paar Jahre nach der letzten Staffel und noch immer versuchen die Freunde ihren Platz im Leben zu finden und erleben dabei die kuriosesten Situationen.